Consulting and transaction advisory services in the Energy sector forms our biggest business vertical, with the management team having sector experience in over 30,000 MW of generation capacity globally, across coal, gas, hydro, wind and solar power projects. We bring complimentary skills in project conception and contracting, concurrently with our financial advisory and capital raising capabilities.
We have witnessed and been part of the evolution of the power sector in South Asia from a sovereign backed and fiscally incentivised IPP regime to a complex, market driven, multi-buyer merchant market, supported by a number of enabling legislations and obligated to a number of sustainability initiatives. This experience has created deep capabilities in our advisory and transaction teams to advise developers, financial institutions and governments in policy, contracting and financing of projects in many challenging economies.
Recent Assignment:
Transaction advisory service for raising debt and equity in over 2,000 MW of project portfolio in India, Nepal, Myanmar, Senegal and Uganda